úterý 26. června 2007

New trainee!!!


This is our new trainee from Nigeria ;-)

We are looking forward to you, Chukwudi!

pondělí 25. června 2007

Edd from Columbia

This is Eduardo from Colombia. He is coming in one month I hope ;-)

neděle 24. června 2007


Hey LC Zlin,
I just came back from MC Take Over Party in Protivanov and have to tell you, that it was really coooool event! We were the biggest delegation there and making a lot of "deviations" :-) You will see photos from this event on rajce really soon.

Next announcement is, that our new trainee Gina from US is coming on Sunday - 1.7.2007. We are planning welcome party for her so stay in touch with this blog. It is going to be big party!

úterý 19. června 2007

Another MATCH in AIESEC Zlin!!!

Hey guys,
I am really proud to tell you, that we matched another TN (ISDIM number one), so we will have a trainee from Colombia! His name is Fabio Eduardo Vejarano and he is 25 years old (almost 26). He is probably coming in one month. We are looking forward to see him!

neděle 17. června 2007

Bye bye party for Petula and Kvetos

On friday there was AGAIN party at Adam´s place. You can check some photos from there at aiesec.rajce.net. We started at 7 o clock and finished around midnight. Of course some of us were continuing to the Musicland :-) We FINALLY gave to Petula notebook with photos.
But this is not everything from this week! We matched another TN - ISDIM - so we will have a lot of internationals during holiday here! Wish us good luck - we are running for first NEP in Zlin!

pátek 8. června 2007

Gina is coming soon!

Hey guys,
this is our new trainee: Gina from Washington DS. She will be here for 2 months working for Kastek komponenty in Uhersky Brod and living in dormitories "Antoninky".

středa 6. června 2007

Next matched TN

Hey dudes,
AION is matched to Nigeria! Looking forward to see two Nigerian guys in Zlin :-D

sobota 2. června 2007

EB feedback evening

Yeap. Last weeks we didn´t have enough time to speak together so conflicts started... ;-) We decided to speak about it and solve first EB team problems through FEEDBACK session. I can say it moves our team in right way and I feel really better after we spoke about everything... So NOW we are ready to start summer work (Zdenal has final exams on 12 of June - so think about him at 10 o clock) and we will rock YOU!
As Mojco has already written on our amazing community - we matched KASTEK and we are waiting for great trainee from USA! If you have already all exams done and want to help LC with all work...let us know, we welcome every helping hand! On behalf of EB Zlin I wish you nice holidays and looking forward to see you in ZLIN!